Truants Charity Golf Day – Friday May 17th 2013
No heavy metal was involved, but the Royal Mid Surrey’s gorgeous old club house burnt down in the middle of the night a few years ago, which it turns out was just as well, as for all its character the old one could never have coped with the heavyweight Truant crowd that Mike Hole and Rod packed in! The new one and its wonderful team led by Moira Stafford-Neck and Marjie Stephens handled the serious scale effortlessly. The detailed numbers are all below, but the headlines are:
£30,000 raised in total by 26 four balls — that’s 104 golfers and perhaps 500 golf balls I’d reckon.
We took on the mighty Outer Course on a blustery day, and sods law it woz the rich wot got the prizes as Pricey, the Nation’s favourite grocer, won the individual prize with a sombrero-score of 40, and his mates on the Meat and 2 Veg team just pipping his own Pirates overall, with that rarest of things these days, a happy bunch of Irish property developers, Clarisford, also defeated by the harsh countback rule.
After a magnificent carvery dinner and a beer or three, our resident Truant MC Tom Baigrie led the prize giving
For the record then… The winning golfers were as follows:
Team prize:
1st Meat & 2 Veg
2nd The Pirates
3rd Clarisford Developments
1st Mark Price
2nd Paul Hanby
Longest drive: Luke Burdess (bloody miles, he said!)
If the rest of you losers wish to be depressed, check out your score!! and have a laugh at the team photo gallery and the movie below.
Following this, and again led by the irrespressable Baigrie, the generously donated auction prizes were snapped up with little concern for anything other than the great good causes the money was going to. Big thanks to Mark Allen, Archerfield GC, Alan Bennie, Peter Farley, Chris Grech, John Keenan, Frank Mcgowan, Robin Moore, Rowen Pestana, Victor Ubogo, the Special Boat Squadron, Genesis, Pink Floyd, Rod Smallwood & Michael Hole and others for providing an impressive array of items.
That was the point after all, and that impressive £30,000 total raised sets up the £1m raised Truants’ ambition nicely for a thrashing in Cambodia. Bit like Bazza probably.
ALSO A BIG THANKS TO –the members and wonderful staff at RMS, Sophie’s Steakhouse, Bumpkin Restaurants & Jumeirah Hotels, Andy Matthews for the movie, everyone who took pics, all those of you who joined us on this memorable walk in the country and especially those who coughed up big time in the auction, and of course mega Truant Michael Hole for all his fine efforts in making this possible.
We will return next year and will send you all a date when we have one. Rest assured the thirty grand goes to the very fine Children’s Charities that the Truants support — Nordoff Robins Music Therapy, The Teenage Cancer Trust and Chidline/NSPCC. They are naturally most appreciative of the support of all of you.