The following contacts will be useful to you if you have any general queries for Helen C and Natalie W; any accounting queries for Ruth or Alan or general questions about any of the Charities to the respective person below:
Helen Curl at Phantom
0207 292 0786 (helen.curl@phantom-music.com)
Bridle House, 36 Bridle Lane, London, W1F 9BZ
Natalie Walker at Classic Tours
0207 619 0066 (natalie@classictours.co.uk)
Classic Tours,12 Winchfield Way, Rickmansworth, Herts., WD3 4DN
Ruth Fluin-Hardy
07850 975 542 (ruthfluinhardy@yahoo.com)
Alan Bennie – Truants Treasurer
07771 662 708 (alan.bennie@vividmag.co.uk)
Pettifers, Lombard Street, Petworth, W.Sussex, GU28 0AG
Claire Parkins at Nordoff-Robbins
0207 428 9908 (claire.parkins@nordoff-robbins.org.uk)
20/21 Spectrum House, 32/34 Gordon House Road, LONDON NW5 1LP
Jo Carter at Nordoff-Robbins
020 7428 2756 (Jo.Carter@nordoff-robbins.org.uk)
Sarah Jeffrey at Childline (sarah.jeffrey@nspcc.org.uk)
0203 772 9218
Weston House, 42 Curtain Road , LONDON EC2A 3NH
Laura Lundy at Childline
0203 772 9218 (laura.lundy@nspcc.org.uk)
Micky Osment at Teenage Cancer Trust
3rd Floor, 93 Newman Street, LONDON W1T 3EZ
Lauren Isley at Teenage Cancer Trust
Angie Jenkison at Teenage Cancer Trust
020 7612 0704 (angie.jenkison@teenagecancertrust.org)